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What started out as a passion for entertainment and showmanship, Fandom Productions is the brainchild of Ernie Alonzo.  Combining his creative imagination with his drive for perfection, Ernie has propelled Fandom Productions each year to new heights. From designing ghost tours and paranormal events to making relationships with world class talent, Ernie scours the pop culture scene and looks for the next big thing, even if that thing is vintage. Ernie’s real gift is the ability to make things happen, from finding the best talent in their field, securing of unique venues, to making the unreal a reality.



As the in house marketing and social media consultant for Haunted OC, Sergio’s sought after eye for edgy videography and editing, has earned him top honors with some of the most progressive companies and product lines in the OC. Along with his still photography, his work can be seen in a wide variety of social media platforms as well through the Fandom Productions family of brands. Sergio is also a talented writer and Voice Over Artist and if you have never seen him, you may have heard him. He’s an avid Disney enthusiast as well as a seasoned collector of vintage Disneyana. Sergio makes an invaluable addition to the Haunted OC team, using his many skills to transform our nightmares and visions into a beautiful and haunting visual medium that’s unsurpassed.


Christiane loves pop culture. Her love of television and film to Disney and the paranormal continue to influence her employment. Christiane has been with Haunted OC since 2012 and has helped to develop unique guest experiences with Haunted Orange County, and it's parent company, Fandom Productions. Christiane spends her time as a Comic Convention Panel Moderator, a Freelance Journalist covering pop culture, television, film. sci-fi, paranormal, supernatural and comic/pop culture/fan conventions. Christiane enjoys exploring historical locations and looking for the the unknown. Volunteering is a significant part of Christiane's life. She has spent nearly a decade as a Girl Scout Leader as well as being substantially involved in volunteering at local schools. Fun Fact: Christiane is the only Ghostbuster in the movie Comic-Con: Episode IV - A Fans Hope. Discover what Christiane is doing today by following @ChristianeElin on Instagram and Twitter.

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